Light the fire in your life and burn with passion and purpose!
On the surface, I look like I’ve got it all together.
I’m a mom, grandma, world traveller, business owner, coach, keynote speaker, and author of several books. But the road to ‘success’ has been paved with heartache and difficulty. Sadly, it was the death of my husband that triggered an awakening in me, a realization that I was meant for more than I ever imagined and launched my childhood dreams into reality.

My purpose came alive with passion and meaning, on a month long trip to Africa in 2012
Kawangware slum in Nairobi, Kenya triggered a life-changing transformation that birthed a new calling in Colleen
The moment I laid eyes on the beautiful children roaming the streets of this terrifying place, they stole my heart and pushed me into a new reality where I was compelled to be their voice from that day forward. I wrote a book, Umoja A Journey From Success to Significance, about my first journey to Africa and dedicate all the revenue to various projects, such as a safe house we are building for those children of Kawangware in response to dire conditions compounded by COVID-19. I would like you to join me on one of my upcoming adventures!

Every person has a unique purpose for their life…
…yet, so many of us are running on empty and are hungry for more. We put on masks and build up walls that leave us feeling disconnected, stuck, lost, and powerless to shift gears and move forward. Some of us have achieved a certain amount of success but long to do more, to be more fulfilled, to pay-it-forward but don’t know where to start. Often, when we hit a wall and don’t know how to navigate around it, over it, or through it, we simply give up and live with that knawing feeling forever.
Ironically, it was while building a thriving business that restores crumbling walls and repairs cracked foundations, that I learned how to break down the walls that separated me from every dream just waiting on the other side.